Open an account

Tour operator accounts with LeShuttle will only be granted if you satisfy the following criteria:-

  • The LeShuttle travel ticket must be packaged with accommodation and sold to your clients as a single combined price package.
  • Customer's outbound journeys must originate from Folkestone.
  • LeShuttle is featured within any promotional material you produce ie, Internet, brochures.
  • LeShuttle's corporate guidelines must be adhered to.
  • LeShuttle's MIT Terms & Conditions are respected.

If you are a Tour operator and can satisfy the above, then please send an email to detailing the following information:

  • What type of accommodation will you be offering to your clients eg: Hotels, Apartments, Camping etc.
  • Where your programme will be advertised eg: Internet, brochure, local / national media. 
  • What will be your customers main stay season- Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter.
  • What other Cross-Channel Transport providers you are / planning to work with.
  • Which other transportation carriers you will be offering- eg Air, Eurostar, Western Channel Routes. 
  • How many bookings you expect to make with LeShuttle within the first year of trading.
  • The total number of short sea return car bookings you expect to make within the first year of trading. 

Once this information has been received, LeShuttle shall consider and revert with the view to setting up a Tour operator account and confirm full procedures.
